JAMB Timetable 2023/2024 (Mock & Main Exam Dates)

Here, you will get all valuable information about JAMB Timetable, jamb slip reprinting date and JAMB exam date for all candidates (jamb timetable). As such, it is best you know the complete details about the dates of the exams and date of reprinting of your jamb slip.

On this page you can download the 2023/2024 complete jamb timetable as this will help you plan ahead on how to make arrangements for the exams after knowing the date or day you will be taking your exam.Jamb

Dear jambite!!! We are pleased to inform you that The official JAMB Timetable for this year (2023/2024) is out.

The date for JAMB UTME, Mock, and Direct Entry exams for all prospective students is now available as jamb has made announcements.

On This page below you will find the JAMB exams, mock timetable and all you need to know.

UTME Exam starts

Starting Date: 14 January 2023
Closing Date: February 14th 2023

2023/2024 Jamb mock exam holds March ; things to know about jamb mock click here

Jamb Registration Start Date January 14th 2023
Jamb Registration Deadline February 14th 2023
Total Expenses for the Registration Procedure N4700
Date to Reprint Jamb Mock Slip Not out
Jamb Mock Exam Date 16th March 2023
Jamb compulsory Novel Life Changer by Khadija A. Jalli
Jamb Examination Reprinting Date 22nd April 2023
Jamb Examination Date Saturday 29th April 2023 to Monday 12th May 2023
Jamb Result Release Date Not specified (explained in details here)

This all include the 2023/2024 JAMB examination timetable, Direct Entry timetable, mock examination timetable and the days and dates when every candidate are taking their exams in their respective centres.

Note: you will need to reprint your JAMB slip before you can know the exact date jamb said you will take your exams.

JAMB UTME Exam Timetable

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is a Nigerian examination board, this examination board has been empowered by the law and are responsible for administering or conducting the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME),

You might ask what is the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) all about? Well the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) is a mandatory standardized examination through which all candidates or pupils seeking admission into any higher education of learners,Mostly into universities, polytechnics and colleges of education must take before they can be considered for admission based on their performance score and other criteria

The timetable for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and for Direct entry are typically made available by JAMB before the registration commence although there might be slight adjustment where the exams date could be slightly modified to accommodate certain events.

At this end it It is very important every candidate taking the exams should check or reprint their exams slip like a week before the exams.

for candidates to carefully review the timetable and ensure that they are aware of the dates and times of their exams.

We have made available the JAMB exam timetable free of charge here. Just access it and share with your friends who are also taking the exams with you.

JAMB Examination Venue, Center, Date And Time

JAMB will never post you to a venue that has not been accredited hence your exam venue will almost be at a center that has been approved or has been accredited which is usually called JAMB CBT Center.

But believe me you won’t know the particular center or Venue or even the date of your exams if you failed to print your jamb slip. Its idea to check your date by printing your jamb slip a week to your exam and also a day to your examination

Photo of author
Written By Michael Larry


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