How To Check And Print 2023/2024 JAMB Exam Center, Date And Time and more information

How To Check And Print 2023/2024 JAMB Exam Center, Date And Time and more information

Will you like us to give you the guideline on how to print your 2023/2024 jamb slip so that you can be able to see your exam Center (Venue), Date and Time?

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How To Check And Print 2019/2020 JAMB Exam Center, Date And Time and more information

If yes then you are on the right page, on this article we shall give you a step by step guide on how to see your exam date, venue, time for the 2023/2024 jamb exam.

JAMB 2023/2024 Examination Date And Center information


We got to know that some candidates thought that jamb has already sent or have started sending out exams venue, date and time of various candidates who will be taking or writing the 2023/2024.

To be honest with you, the arrangement jamb has for you all was to arrange for a mechanism where by all candidates will receive their exam date, time and venue right on their phone as sms.

But you all know how Nigerian network providers work and how some of our sims are unable to receive sms on time, some takes even days to receive while others won’t even receive at all.

When should we start reprint our 2023/2024 jamb slip

To be honest with you all, the joint admission and Matriculation board jamb will allow candidates print their slip a week to the 2023/2024 JAMB exam.

just ensure that you check this link

to print your slip few days to your exams.

How To Check And Print 2023/2024 JAMB Exam Center, Date And Time

To check your exam date, venue and time the joint admission and Matriculation board jamb has made two options available to all candidates and they are:

Method 1: By Visiting JAMB Website

The first option that we will be introducing to you today is the most preferable option because it shows you your exam Center, venue, date and time.
All you have to do is to visit jamb website here for institution on that

Method 2: Checking SMS /Email Address

The second option we will be introducing to you today is the email options where by jamb will use a bulk sms system to dispatch a message informing you to go check your mail for your venue.

We understand that most candidates won’t get this message, but once you find out that jamb has started sending out exams date, venue and time please quickly visit and open your mail and check for a message sent to you by jamb.

Once you check this mail you will see an option that will allow you to easily print it out.

29 thoughts on “How To Check And Print 2023/2024 JAMB Exam Center, Date And Time and more information”

    1. Happiness manasseh

      I forget my password and my email is also showing wrong password or incorrect email,what should i do so as to get it right and be ready for reprinting of my exam venue and date

    2. Saliu Fatima Faith

      My email was mistakenly typed on my registration day….. And the email contrary to the one I wrote on my form
      I don’t have access to the email

  1. Abdulraheem muhammadawwal jamiu

    I thank God for helping me in my life till now so plz I need my jamb center post

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