How to know if jamb or your schools has offered you admission 2023/2024

How to know if jamb or your schools has offered you admission 2023/2024

Since jamb started giving admission most candidates of recent has been asking about tips to know if their preferred schools or choice or jamb has given them admission.

In this article we shall give you tips to know if jamb or your schools has given you admission so that you will not be left out.
Jamb admission status checker

How to know if jamb or schools has offered you admission


Once admission has been given out what comes up next is payment of acceptance fee which symbolise that you have accepted that admission.

It’s no news that admission given can be withdrawn if such a candidate didn’t show up within a given time framework to acknowledge his or her admission.

Thousand of aspirant have lost out a great deal and didn’t even know that their names has been pasted on the school admission list or their names uploaded on Jamb admission portal.

Dont worry just read this article from A-Z you will discover how you will be upto date and how you can fast track your admission using a simple tool that we have found helpful from the comfort of your home.

Some few years ago before the introduction of Central Admission process all candidates have to patiently wait until jamb uploads results of candidates on their portal.

We couldn’t explore various options like there are available today because jamb provided non then

But ever since jamb introduced central admission processing system (caps) things has improved for the better as you can now easily jamb admission status

jamb caps admission status

The jamb caps admission status checker allows you to check your admission status from the comfort of your home without wasting transport fair or putting your lives in danger while plying our dangerous roads in Nigeria.

jamb admission checker how it works

  • If you have to first visit the jamb admission status checker @
  • Once you are in the your details will appear such as your name, phone number, Jamb registration number etc
  • TRY to look for UTME/DE Admission and click on it once you seen it
  • If you have been offered admission and you like what you have been offered please click on accept it not click on reject
  • At times you might not see the option to accept or reject this means that you have not been considered yet for admission.

Just keep checking….

Once you log into jamb caps portal you will be notified if you have been admitted. What they require you to do is to accept or reject such offer.
If you like the school and the course of study you where given just click accept so that jamb can notify the school.

Jamb can also notify you via email or SMS but please don’t rely on this option because only a few candidates have been able to get sms or mail from jamb but all the same always check your email for any notification from jamb

Always visit the jamb admission status checker portal from time to time, never depend on notifications from jamb via email or SMS.

If you have any problems concerning knowing if your school of choice has given you admission or not don’t fail to comment below

All our services is free of charge, we will guide you to achieve your goals

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29 thoughts on “How to know if jamb or your schools has offered you admission 2023/2024”

  1. i both supplementary form, but my course (faculty and department) did not change to the course i choose in the supplementary form
    please how can i go about it

  2. gudevening sir ma,pls i score 147 in jamb and i want know if i can be offer addmission into uni abuja,cos i choose uni abuja as my first choice

  3. Gud day, pls i score 196 in jamb i don,t know if i will be considered for admision to study med lab at unical

  4. Gud day pls i scored 236 in jamb and hv written postutme in Rsust and i applied for accountany pls i want to know if the jamb caps portal is now open and hv i been offered admission.

  5. Pls guys, I opened my jamb caps now but could not find anything there such as my chosen institution and course pls what is happening

  6. Pls ooo my name was listed among the merit list on ebsu but have not been admitted on jamb caps y, or is it because have not uploaded my 0 level result or what

  7. Good evening Sir. I got a text from Jamb saying I have been admitted by my first choice institution but on my caps it is showing not admitted yet. What does it mean?


    GUD evning sir,i apply unimaid & i score 182 in my jamb i wanna knw if i hv been given admision pls sir

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